I wanna buy this book NOW!
There are three ways to buy The Most Traveled Man on Earth (ISBN number 0977617505):
The groovy way: write a check (or money order) for $16.95 plus $5 shipping ($21.95 total) (plus 85 cents for tax IF you live in Maryland) made out to The Village Press, and mail it today to:
The Village Press
13108 Hutchinson Way
Silver Spring, MD 20906-5947
If you want the book mailed to an address other than the one on your check, or if you want multiple copies, write a note and enclose it.
This way author Lew Toulmin and his company The Village Press will get the revenue for his work and his ENORMOUS expenses in printing and marketing, middlemen will get nothing, and Lew’s cute little gerbils will not starve to death.

The icky way: go to and buy the book from Amazon. (Search for the book using the words “most traveled man” or using the ISBN number 0977617505). You can look at the book and many interior sample pages. Then use a credit card to buy the book. But then Amazon takes a whopping 55% of the cover price! For doing what? Lew’s gerbils are looking skinny…

The really icky way: go to your local Waldenbooks or Borders Express (both are in many shopping malls nationwide), and ask the clerk to order the book for you, after finding the book in Books in Print. It will be ordered through Baker & Taylor, a wholesaler, who will take 55% of the cover price. Ycch! And then you have to come back in ten days to pick up the book! Lew’s gerbils just starved to death, and YOU KILLED THEM! (All right, all right, it’s OK to use the icky way or the really icky way. But consider actually sitting down and writing a check, right now, to The Village Press.)

Lew and his gerbils say “Thank you!”
The Most Traveled Man on Earth print run is now sold out.
You may obtain copies from Amazon or E-bay. Happy reading.